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Rural Development Finance Resource Center

Rural communities often require specialized financing tools and programs to support their unique development needs. Many federal, regional, and state agencies exist to support rural development finance, especially for projects related to agribusiness, broadband development, energy assistance, and value-added business assistance.

CDFA's Rural Development Finance Resource Center provides information about how the development finance toolbox can be structured to support rural communities and help them with strategies to invest in infrastructure, redevelopment, and job creation. Resources showcase successful programs that are working throughout rural America in communities with varying levels of capacity and size.

Additional support is available to rural communities through the CDFA Community Facilities Technical Assistance Program. Funded by the USDA, this program includes resources accessible to every rural community, a Rural Finance Toolkit, and targeted technical assistance support to rural communities.

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Rural Development Finance Update Newsletter.


-Understanding Rural Finance

Want to learn more about rural financing? CDFA has collected many resources to help you understand the complexities of rural finance.

USDA Programs in the Local Food Supply Chain
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is committed to supporting robust regional food economies across the food chain. This graphic is designed to be a guide for which programs are best suited for different parts of the supply chain.
California Rural Infrastructure Finance Guidebook
CALED knows from its work supporting economic development throughout California that infrastructure financing is a challenge for many rural communities. CALED collaborated with CDFA to develop this guidebook to meet the need for a resource to help build capacity in those areas, as well as move economic development projects forward.
Community Facilities Direct Loan Program Guidance Book for Applicants
The Community Facilities (CF) Direct Loan Program provides affordable funding to develop essential community facilities. This is an Applicant Guidance Book for the USDA's Community Facilities Direct Loan Program.
Regional Resilience Toolkit: 5 Steps to Build Large Scale Resilience to Natural DisasterMembers only Login
Cities, regions, and states across the country are facing natural disasters that can have devastating effects on life, property, the economy, and ecosystems. Climate change is already having observable effects on the environment, and past conditions are no longer a reliable indication of the type or extent of disasters communities will face in the future.
Community Facilities Infrastructure Toolkit
The Community Facilities Infrastructure Toolkit can be used as a guide to help organizations and community leaders better understand the complex process that is required to successfully develop and construct a new facility. The Toolkit outlines the major capacity, credit, and logistical challenges that particularly confront America’s small towns and rural areas. The Community Facilities Infrastructure Toolkit contains sections on concept development, planning, designing, environmental compliance, finance, and construction.
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View all Rural Finance Resources

-Aggie Bonds

Understanding Farmers’ Market Rules Members only Login
Farmers’ markets are booming in popularity around the country. They are popular with consumers seeking fresh, local food. They are popular with farmers moving toward direct marketing of their products. And they are popular with beginning farmers and immigrant farmers. This article is intended to help farmers understand their responsibilities and rights as vendors at a farmers’ market.
Resilience in New Mexico Agriculture Strategic PlanMembers only Login
The Resilience in New Mexico Agriculture Strategic Plan provides broad recommendations are coupled with specific, actionable strategies. The implementation of this plan is critical to achieving greater agricultural and natural resource resiliency, as well as a secure future for the generations of farmers and ranchers to come.
Tax-Exempt Bond Financing for Beginning and Low-Equity Farmers: The Case of Aggie BondsMembers only Login
Established in the 1980s, the ‘‘Aggie Bond’’ program provides beginning and low-equity farmers with access to capital. The bonds, which pay tax-exempt interest, may be used by qualifying famers for purchases of farm real estate and equipment. The authors use 25 years of data to examine whether the Aggie Bond program has had an impact on farm entrance, land ownership, and the size of operation.
Maximizing Rural Opportunities for Businesses and Communities in WisconsinMembers only Login
Urban communities like Milwaukee and Madison are not the only places looking for help to fund economic development. Wisconsin is filled with rural communities and small towns who are also in need of financing strategies. These areas face unique development financing challenges and needs such as downtown revitalization and talent and business development. Barb LaMue with the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation explores the cutting-edge strategies driving development in the state, and how to access them.
View more Aggie Bonds Resources

-Agriculture Finance

Systems Research For Agriculture Innovative Solutions to Complex ChallengesMembers only Login
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) is a grant-making and outreach program. Its mission is to advance—to the whole of American agriculture—innovations that improve profitability, stewardship and quality of life by investing in groundbreaking research and education.
A Guidebook to Assist Agricultural Water Suppliers to Prepare an Agricultural Water Management Plan Members only Login
Agricultural water suppliers in California have a long history of preparing agricultural water management plans (AWMPs) and in implementing efficient water management practices (EWMPs). However, water management planning is not static; changing conditions and understanding of the system necessitate revisiting, adapting, and improving planning and implementation efforts.
Agricultural Lending: A How-To Guide Members only Login
Agriculture is the main source of income and employment for the 70 percent of the world's poor, who live in rural areas. Yet, only 10 percent of gross domestic produce (GDP) in low and middle income countries is generated by the agricultural sector. This results in the severe mismatch between the proportion of people employed by the agriculture sector and the proportion of GDP attributable to agricultural production.
Understanding Farmers’ Market Rules Members only Login
Farmers’ markets are booming in popularity around the country. They are popular with consumers seeking fresh, local food. They are popular with farmers moving toward direct marketing of their products. And they are popular with beginning farmers and immigrant farmers. This article is intended to help farmers understand their responsibilities and rights as vendors at a farmers’ market.
Your Guide to Organic and Organic Related USDA Programs Members only Login
This Organic Resource Guide provides an overview of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) programs and services available to the public that either directly or indirectly support organic agriculture. Some programs have the specific purpose of assisting organic farmers, ranchers, and handlers, while others may be of interest to a variety of individuals, including those in the organic industry.
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-Rural Business Finance

USDA Resources for Rural EntrepreneursMembers only Login
This is a USDA resource guide to help people in rural America start and grow businesses, create good-paying jobs in their communities and strengthen America’s economy. The guide features information on how rural entrepreneurs can use USDA and other Federal programs to access financing and other assistance to help start and expand their businesses.
USDA Advancing Equity in Distressed Rural CommunitiesMembers only Login
U.S. Department of Agriculture announced that the Department is increasing the maximum loan amount to $400,000 under the Intermediary Relending Program. This change is in accordance with provisions in the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (2018 Farm Bill). USDA is offering priority points to projects that advance key priorities under the Biden-Harris Administration to help communities recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, advance equity and combat climate change.
Enhancing Local Workforce Development and Building for the FutureMembers only Login
Automation, shifting demographics, COVID-19 and increased telework opportunities are reshaping the workforce landscape amid shifting industry needs. Counties, through local and regional partnerships and workforce development boards, are working with public, private, and nonprofit partners to help train job seekers and connect them with local employers.
Key Factors and Strategies for Urban and Rural CommunitiesMembers only Login
Through data analysis supported by stakeholder interviews and case studies, this research from the National League of Cities identifies factors that support local engagement in regional economies, how these factors vary for urban and rural places, and whether the benefits of economic connectivity are equitably distributed among places and people in regions.
USDA Resource Guide for Rural Workforce DevelopmentMembers only Login
This guide was created by the USDA in 2021 for community leaders and other local entities. The guide highlights four key assistance types necessary to building a stronger rural workforce: 1) Workforce development planning; 2) Infrastructure and equipment financing; 3) Industry and employer engagement, entrepreneurship, and local business development; and 4) Education, training, and apprenticeship.
View more Rural Business Finance Resources

-Rural Energy Program

COVID-19 Federal Rural Resource Guide
USDA and its Federal partners have programs that can be used to provide immediate and long-term assistance to rural communities affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. This resource matrix organizes funding opportunities identified in the CARES Act and other federal resources that can help support rural America.
Financing Programs to Support Rural Development- USDAMembers only Login
Urban communities like Atlanta and Savannah are not the only places looking for help to fund economic development. Georgia is filled with rural communities and small towns that are also in need of financing strategies. These areas face unique development financing challenges and needs such as downtown revitalization, food systems, infrastructure and energy finance. A number of creative and important financing tools exist to assist rural and small town development, Evette Jones from U.S. Department of Agriculture discusses explores the cutting-edge strategies driving development in the state, as well as important programs that have been cut.
State and Federal Development Finance Programs-USDAMembers only Login
Industry experts from around the state and from various federal agencies will discuss development finance programs and their potential to spur job creation and growth in the economic development industry.
CDFA-Stifel Webcast: Paving the Way to Sustainable Rural Infrastructure and Energy FinancingMembers only Login
The various targeted financing solutions to revitalize rural infrastructure and energy systems is explained in this webcast by Gary Bojes, Ph.D. of USDA, Bennett Johnson III of Ocean's Energy, Andrew Jacob with CoBank, and Christopher Sheehan of Stifel.
View more Rural Energy Program Resources

-State Rural Financing Program

NMEDD - Economic Development Innovation Task Force ReportMembers only Login
In 2019, the Governor signed House Memorial 16 directing the Economic Development Department (NMEDD) to bring together stakeholders and convene an Economic Development Innovation Task Force to spur collaboration and innovative discussions on methods to create new economic development concepts and ideas to enhance New Mexico's economy. This report is the result.
Available CFA Resources - New York Regional Economic Development CouncilsMembers only Login
In 2011, Governor Cuomo created ten Regional Economic Development Councils (REDC) and the Consolidated Funding Application (CFA) to advance the administration’s efforts to improve New York’s business climate and expand economic growth. This 2019 document outlines information about each agency’s grant programs, including eligibility, scoring criteria, applicant requirements, and agency contact information.
Development in Eastern KentuckyMembers only Login
In August, the Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet announced three grants worth $5 million to spur economic development and job creation in Eastern Kentucky. How might these grants be used locally and are there opportunities for leveraging this for further financing and capital? Bob Scott from the Division of Abandoned Mine Lands discusses the allocation of these funds as well as their impact on the region.
Access to Capital for Native Communities in ArizonaMembers only Login
Clint Kaasa discusses how the USDA provides financing programs and strategies for Native communities in Arizona and considers how to leverage the available capital for even greater investment.
View more State Rural Financing Program Resources

-Case Studies

Systems Research For Agriculture Innovative Solutions to Complex ChallengesMembers only Login
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) is a grant-making and outreach program. Its mission is to advance—to the whole of American agriculture—innovations that improve profitability, stewardship and quality of life by investing in groundbreaking research and education.
Start Farming! Resources for the Beginning FarmerMembers only Login
As more and more people demand local and or ganic food, there are increasing opportunities for new farmers. The growing organic market can provide the opportunity, but it is challenging to start your own farm without proper planning.
A Guidebook to Assist Agricultural Water Suppliers to Prepare an Agricultural Water Management Plan Members only Login
Agricultural water suppliers in California have a long history of preparing agricultural water management plans (AWMPs) and in implementing efficient water management practices (EWMPs). However, water management planning is not static; changing conditions and understanding of the system necessitate revisiting, adapting, and improving planning and implementation efforts.
Agricultural Lending: A How-To Guide Members only Login
Agriculture is the main source of income and employment for the 70 percent of the world's poor, who live in rural areas. Yet, only 10 percent of gross domestic produce (GDP) in low and middle income countries is generated by the agricultural sector. This results in the severe mismatch between the proportion of people employed by the agriculture sector and the proportion of GDP attributable to agricultural production.
Your Guide to Organic and Organic Related USDA Programs Members only Login
This Organic Resource Guide provides an overview of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) programs and services available to the public that either directly or indirectly support organic agriculture. Some programs have the specific purpose of assisting organic farmers, ranchers, and handlers, while others may be of interest to a variety of individuals, including those in the organic industry.
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Cover thumbnail Practitioner's Guide to Economic Development Finance 2nd Edition
The Practitioner's Guide to Economic Development Finance is the only comprehensive resource dedicated to building and utilizing the development finance toolbox.
Cover thumbnail Unlocking Capital: A Handbook for Becoming a High Performing Development Finance Agency
Unlocking Capital: A Handbook for Becoming a High Performing Development Finance Agency (Handbook) serves as a companion to the Practitioner’s Guide to help illuminate the structures of development finance agencies (DFAs), essential conduits to access development finance tools.

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-Training Courses

-Upcoming Events

CDFA // BNY Development Finance Webcast Series: Municipal Bonds and Revitalization in Rural America
September 16, 2025
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Eastern
During this installment of the CDFA // BNY Development Finance Webcast Series panelists will share how they have utilized municipal bonds to be a key tool in unlocking economic potential and revitalizing their rural communities. By supporting infrastructure development, job creation, and improved quality of life, these bonds help rural communities build more resilient and diversified economies.
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CDFA Rural Development Finance Webinar Series: Best Practices for Rural Development Finance Agencies
During the third installment of the CDFA Rural Development Finance Webinar Series, we discovered best practices of development finance agencies to help you identify the right partner for your projects.
Enhancing Local Workforce Development and Building for the FutureMembers only Login
Automation, shifting demographics, COVID-19 and increased telework opportunities are reshaping the workforce landscape amid shifting industry needs. Counties, through local and regional partnerships and workforce development boards, are working with public, private, and nonprofit partners to help train job seekers and connect them with local employers.
CDFA // BNY Mellon Development Finance Webcast Series: Rural Broadband & Telehealth Financing
During this installment of the CDFA // BNY Mellon Development Finance Webcast Series, experts explain how rural communities can embrace the challenges of financing high-speed internet for the economic and societal gains provided by broadband.
CDFA Rural Development Finance Webinar Series: Financing Disaster Resiliency in Rural Communities
During the first installment of the CDFA Rural Development Finance Webinar Series, hear about a new technical assistance program from CDFA designed to support rural communities that have recently experienced a natural disaster. Experts discussed the variety of financing tools available from federal, state, and local sources to encourage investment resilient infrastructure.
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CDFA National Sponsors

  • Alliant Insurance Services, Inc.
  • BNY
  • Bricker Graydon LLP
  • Business Oregon
  • CohnReznick
  • Frost Brown Todd LLP
  • Grow America | Formerly NDC
  • Hawes Hill and Associates LLP
  • Hawkins Delafield & Wood LLP
  • Ice Miller LLP
  • KeyBanc Capital Markets
  • Kutak Rock LLP
  • McGuireWoods
  • MuniCap, Inc.
  • PGAV Planners, LLC
  • Raza Development Fund
  • SB Friedman Development Advisors
  • Stifel Nicolaus
  • The Bond Buyer
  • U.S. Bank
  • Wells Fargo Securities
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