







Technical Assistance

Advanced Tax Increment Finance Course
November 13, 2024 | 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Eastern
Baltimore, MD

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The Advanced Tax Increment Finance Course builds upon curriculum from the Intro Tax Increment Finance Course by focusing more concretely on structuring the deal and developing short- and long-term policies. Attendees will also learn about performance monitoring, feasibility analysis, and using TIF in conjunction with other development finance tools.

This course is taking place as part of CDFA's 2024 National Development Finance Summit. Learn more about the National Summit here.

This course qualifies for the CDFA Training Institute's Development Finance Certified Professional (DFCP) Program. Join us in Baltimore, and start down the road to personal and professional advancement today.


Course Objectives

  • Gain a greater understanding of the complexity of TIF projects
  • Break down and evaluate complex TIF concepts and project pro-formas
  • Review common components of model state TIF statutes
  • Examine critical TIF public policy elements for ensuring maximum program success
  • Understand the typical challenges faced when managing and monitoring active TIF districts
  • Discuss your TIF projects with industry experts
  • Receive a copy of CDFA's Advanced Tax Increment Finance Reference Guide

Topics Covered

  • Model policies, guidelines, and procedures
  • Understanding your TIF statute
  • TIF process from A to Z
  • Assessing project feasibility
  • Performance monitoring
  • Managing active TIF districts
  • Maximizing TIF by combining tools

Who Should Attend?

  • Bond issuers
  • Economic development professionals
  • Community development professionals
  • Broker, dealers and underwriters
  • Elected officials
  • Government and nonprofit finance officers
  • Corporate trustees
  • Legal counsel
  • Underwriters
  • Commercial bankers
  • Accountants

Course Advisor

Angela Blatt Angela Blatt
Council of Development Finance Agencies
As a Director in the Knowledge & Networks Division at the Council of Development Finance Agencies (CDFA), Angela focuses on the W.K. Kellogg Foundation-funded initiative “Defining the Food System Asset Class,” whereby CDFA explores opportunities for... (More)


Advanced Tax Increment Finance Course Agenda

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Wed 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
Breakfast & Registration
Wed 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM
Welcome & Overview
Welcome participants, introduce CDFA, and set the stage for the course.
  • Angela Blatt, Director, Council of Development Finance Agencies
Wed 9:15 AM - 9:45 AM
Understanding Your TIF Statute
Understanding your state’s TIF statute is essential to mastering the use of TIF as an economic development finance tool. This session will look at common components of model TIF statutes from a variety of states. In addition, speakers will discuss issues related to the political process and recommended practices for formulating or revising a TIF statute.
Wed 9:45 AM - 10:30 AM
Model TIF Policies, Guidelines, and Procedures
Ideally, TIF policies should be proactive but flexible. This session will cover the process of establishing a sound TIF policy and typical elements of effective guidelines and procedures. Speakers will discuss what should and shouldn’t be included in TIF guidelines, consequences of not following guidelines, and issues related to transparency, due diligence, and accountability.
Wed 10:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Wed 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM
TIF Feasibility Analysis and Underwriting
This session will cover three distinct but related elements of project feasibility and underwriting: a) Reviewing real estate market feasibility of a proposed TIF-funded project; b) Developing sound, conservative TIF revenue projections for use in sizing and structuring the transaction; and c) Assessment of the project “financing gap” to determine how much TIF is needed, and what deal structure is most appropriate. Speakers will discuss the technical issues of modeling TIF revenue and pro forma-based gap analysis.
  • Caren Kay, Senior Vice President, SB Friedman Development Advisors
Wed 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Lunch Session: TIF and the Project's "Capital Stack"
This session will focus on how TIF can fit into the overall financing structure of a project. Topics will include up-front vs “back ended” TIF funding arrangements and the various methods of packaging TIF funding, including bonds, notes, and “pay as you go.” This session will wrap up with an overview of term sheets and development agreements—the key documents defining the TIF deal.
  • Naina Magon, Principal, Hawes Hill & Associates, LLP
  • Michael Pehur, Development Finance Consulting Director, Duane Morris Government Strategies
  • Laura Radcliff, Managing Director, Stifel Nicolaus & Company, Inc.
Wed 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
TIF and Capital Markets
Bonds are one of the most important methods by which TIF funds are made available to fund public and private improvements. This session will focus on the major types of TIF bonds, outline key considerations in successful TIF bond issuance, discuss bond market dynamics, and describe how the feasibility of TIF bonds can be enhanced by other tools such as backup special assessments.
Wed 2:30 PM - 2:45 PM
Wed 2:45 PM - 4:00 PM
Performance Monitoring & Managing Active TIF Districts
It is important to understand the typical challenges faced when managing and monitoring active TIF districts. This session will address what you should expect once a TIF deal has been completed and why it is critical to maintain communications with bond investors and the community.
  • Sue Hounsel, Economic Development District Manager, City of Dallas
  • Emily Metzler, Executive Vice President, COO, & CCO, MuniCap, Inc.
Wed 4:00 PM


The Advanced Tax Increment Finance Course will be held at Renaissance Baltimore Harborplace Hotel. The course will meet from 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Eastern.


This training course qualifies for the CDFA Training Institute's Development Finance Certified Professional (DFCP) Program. Start down the road to personal and professional advancement today.

Scholarships are available to attend this event. Learn more about the CDFA Scholarship Program, and submit your application today.

Register by October 11, 2024 for Early Bird Rates.
Early Bird Rates
(Ends October 18)
CDFA Member: $600
Non-Member: $825
Standard Rates
(After October 18)
CDFA Member: $650
Non-Member: $875
