







Advisory Services

Intro Revolving Loan Fund Course
May 12-13, 2025
Daily: 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM Eastern


The Intro Revolving Loan Fund Course offers an in-depth look at RLF program development, implementation, and management. This course demonstrates how an RLF program can complement your economic development strategy, encourage investment, and assist traditionally underserved businesses.

During this course, attendees learn the essential elements needed to operate a successful RLF program and discuss programs making a difference in communities nationwide.

For professionals with some basic knowledge of how revolving loan funds operate and have previously participated in underwriting loans, CDFA offers an Advanced Revolving Loan Fund Course.

This course qualifies for the CDFA Training Institute's Development Finance Certified Professional (DFCP) Program. Join us online and start down the road to personal and professional advancement today.


Course Objectives

  • Learn about how RLFs complement and enhance an economic development strategy
  • Interact with leaders in the revolving loan fund industry
  • Discuss best practice principles for sound RLF management
  • Dissect a loan process from start to finish

Topics Covered

  • How RLFs enhance your economic development strategy
  • How to design and establish an RLF
  • How to manage, market, and promote an RLF program
  • The decision-making process
  • Pre- and post-loan closing
  • What to do when the deal goes bad

Who Should Attend?

  • Loan fund managers
  • Economic development professionals
  • Community development professionals
  • Elected officials
  • Government and nonprofit finance officers
  • Corporate trustees
  • Legal counsel
  • Underwriters
  • Commercial bankers
  • Accountants
  • Financial advisors
  • Policymakers

Course Advisor

Lori DeWine Lori DeWine
Council of Development Finance Agencies
Managing Director
Lori DeWine is Managing Director of the Knowledge & Networks Division at the Council of Development Finance Agencies (CDFA) where she oversees the State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI), Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, and Revolving Loan Fund... (More)


Monday, May 12, 2025

Mon 12:00 PM - 12:15 PM
Welcome and Overview
Welcome to the course! This session will introduce CDFA, explain how to use the online software, and discuss the framework for the two-day Intro Revolving Loan Fund Course.
  • Lori DeWine, Managing Director, Council of Development Finance Agencies
Mon 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM
Understanding Revolving Loan Funds
A revolving loan fund is a self-replenishing pool of money, utilizing interest and principal payments on old loans to issue new ones. They come in many shapes and sizes and support a variety of economic development activities. The start of the Intro Revolving Loan Fund Course will establish the foundation for future sessions by outlining the basic principles of revolving loan funds.
Mon 1:15 PM - 3:00 PM
Designing Your RLF
This session will discuss how to establish an RLF based on your community’s needs and the parameters of your funding partner. RLFs are designed to address unmet lending needs, which means understanding the gaps to effectively increase access to capital. The design of your RLF will also depend on the source of funding, which may be focused on serving certain types of businesses and projects.
Mon 3:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Mon 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM
RLF Management
Managing an RLF is multi-faceted and requires clear operations and governance. This session will discuss the skills that fund managers and support staff need to be successful. It will also cover the process of developing a policy manual and establishing a Loan Review Committee.
Mon 4:15 PM - 5:00 PM
Marketing Your RLF Program
Dedicating time and resources to market your RLF is key to reaching your target borrowers. This session will highlight methods used to promote your program, including collaborative partnerships with other organizations that can help your RLF succeed.
Mon 5:00 PM

Tuesday, May 13, 2025

Tue 12:00 PM - 12:15 PM
Revisiting Day 1
The first day of the Intro Revolving Loan Fund Course focused on RLFs from a broad perspective and introduced the basic concepts and players involved. At the start of Day 2, we will review some important terms and set the stage for the remaining sessions focused on the technical aspects of RLFs.
Tue 12:15 PM - 1:45 PM
The Decision Process
The underwriting and financial analysis of loan applications are key elements of all successful RLF programs. The ability to collect and analyze the information provided by the potential borrower will be discussed in detail during this session. This session will cover the information needed to conduct both program and project analysis. In addition, this session will cover the financial analysis process and necessary documentation materials, such as the profit-loss and cash flow statements. Finally, the session will conclude by examining the loan decision and presentation processes.
Tue 1:45 PM - 2:00 PM
Tue 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Pre- and Post-Loan Closing
Awarding the loan is just the beginning. This session will cover pre- and post-loan closing processes, documentation, and file preparation. Also discussed is the servicing process that can help assure quick detection of issues within the RLF portfolio.
Tue 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM
When the Deal Goes Bad
Even the strongest RLF programs that make every attempt to craft a good loan will have deals that go bad. How your fund handles loans and borrowers during this difficult period can help minimize losses and maximize recovery. This session will offer strategies and suggestions for addressing failed deals.
Tue 3:45 PM - 4:00 PM
Tue 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Innovative RLFs
During the last session of the course, representatives from innovative RLF programs will explain their operations, philosophies, and lessons learned from years of experience.
Tue 5:00 PM


The Intro Revolving Loan Fund Course will take place on Zoom. The course will meet each day from 12:00-5:00 PM Eastern. Attendees must have access to a computer and the internet to attend the course.


This training course qualifies for the CDFA Training Institute's Development Finance Certified Professional (DFCP) Program. Start down the road to personal and professional advancement today.

Scholarships are available to attend this event. Learn more about the CDFA Scholarship Program, and submit your application today. Please note that the application deadline is two weeks prior to the course start date.

CDFA permits only one person to log in and participate in the course. If multiple people are accessing the course without paying to attend, we will terminate the connection and access. CDFA offers group discounts for organizations that wish to register multiple people.
Early Bird Rates
(Ends April 25)
CDFA Member: $500
Non-Member: $825
Standard Rates
(After April 25)
CDFA Member: $625
Non-Member: $950
