-About PACE
Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) is an economic development tool that enables low-cost, long-term financing for energy efficiency, renewable energy, and water conservation projects. As a broad, flexible financing tool, it can be used for commercial, nonprofit, and residential properties. PACE provides 100% upfront financing to complete an energy efficiency, renewable energy, or resiliency project. Extended-term financing allows for the property owner to pay back the loan over a period of up to 30 years. Not all states in the U.S. enable PACE finance. To date, PACE-enabling legislation is active in 38 states plus D.C., and PACE programs are active in 30 states. Additional information about PACE-enabling legislation can be found via the Programs Map.
The PACE financing model allows property owners to access affordable capital to make energy efficiency upgrades to their properties by allowing the local municipality to place a special assessment on the property’s tax bill. The debt is associated with the property, not the property owner, and therefore is repaid by the property owner via the assessment on the tax bill, making the costly energy efficiency upgrades affordable in the long term.
The PACE Finance Resource Center provides the tools and resources to better understand PACE finance.
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Soil Wealth Areas: Place-based Financing for Conservation, Rural Communities & Regen AgMembers only
A new report from Croatan Institute highlights how the Soil Wealth Area model can facilitate more investment in regenerative agriculture, enhance conservation, and support resilient rural economies. The report provides specific recommendations for implementing Soil Wealth Areas in each of the regions analyzed and creating a wider Soil Wealth Community for practitioners to share learnings about their experiences with place-based financing.
-Programs Map
Search the map below to find Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) programs by state. This specialized search is part of
CDFA's State Financing Program Directory, the only online resource cataloging the development finance programs offered by state governments. Click on a state to see a sample of programs available. Login with a CDFA Member account at the top of the page to view full results.
-PACE Data & Resources