The CDFA Brownfields Technical Assistance Program is made possible by a grant from the U.S. EPA and is intended to provide technical assistance and resources on brownfields redevelopment financing. Council of Development Finance Agencies (CDFA) and partners provide resources and expertise related to revolving loan funds, tax credits, tax increment finance and other effective financing tools.

Financing Toolkit
The toolkit features the best financing resources and best practices in brownfield redevelopment. Get the latest and greatest information, practices, and reports on a variety of tools.

Webinar Series
This series delivers case studies, financing expertise, and trending redevelopment topics. Join CDFA, our technical partners, and experienced brownfield communities as we discuss financial strategies that can bring your brownfield projects to new life.

Project Marketplace
The CDFA Brownfields Project Marketplace provides communities the opportunity to receive special assistance with brownfields redevelopment projects. Communities will detail important information on a site and engage in open discussion with financial and brownfields experts. The purpose of these discussions is to provide initial suggestions for the communities’ redevelopment plans and financing sources. CDFA will provide two in-person and two virtual marketplaces each year.

Project Response Teams
A select number of communities will receive on-site technical assistance from a team of finance and technical experts and CDFA staff. These visits will offer specific, actionable advice that can transform brownfields into economic assets. Communities must participate in a Project Marketplace to be eligible, and will be selected through an application submission process.
>>> Download the Fact Sheet
For more information about the Brownfields Technical Assistance Program, contact
CDFA at 614-705-1300