National Summit Agenda
The full agenda for the National Development Finance Summit will be posted this summer.
The tentative agenda includes:
November 15
Intro Rural Finance Course
(extra fee event prior to National Summit)
Advanced Tax Increment Finance Course
(extra fee event prior to National Summit)
National Summit Kickoff Opening Reception
November 16
All day session programming
November 17
Half day session programming with adjournment at 12:00 PM
Call for Presentations
CDFA needs your help to source deals, projects and programs and will be accepting submissions for potential deals, projects and program presentations. Submissions must fit into at least one of the following broad categories:
- Manufacturing - Bonds, Direct Lending, Tax Credits
- Environment - Water, Clean Energy, EE/RE, PACE, Resiliency, Brownfields
- Infrastructure - Transportation, Parking, Transit, Ports
- Arts & Culture - 501(c)3, Tourism, Creative Industries, Historic
- Revitalization - Tax Increment, Tax Credits, Bonds, Credit Enhancement
- Health & Higher Education - Hospitals, Clinics, Assisted Living, University, Charter Schools
- Food & Agriculture - Food Systems, Farming, Scarcity
- Access to Capital -Small/Minority/Women Owned Business, Seed & Venture, Crowdfunding
CDFA is looking for diversity in the deals, projects and programs that present. Submissions must be focused on leveraging private-sector capital using a public-sector financing approach. CDFA will place an emphasis on bonds, tax increment, tax credits, access to capital funds, special assessment and early stage capital. Deals, projects or programs that include multiple funding sources are highly encouraged. Complex and innovative use of financing to solve private sector market challenges is critical.
Submission deadline is May 12, 2017. Please read the submission requirements below.
Submit Now
Presentation Details
Please note the following important session considerations prior to submitting:
- Each speaker will be given one complimentary registration to attend the CDFA National Summit. This complimentary registration covers all CDFA National Summit events from November 15-17. It does not cover pre-Summit workshops and/or trainings. No other compensation (travel/hotel) is provided.
- Session may be selected to present twice during the CDFA National Summit. Speakers/panelists should expect to be at the event for entire duration.
- CDFA encourages a “low-tech” approach to sessions. Speakers can use PowerPoint presentations but they are not required. Innovative session approaches are highly encouraged.
- A moderator will be assigned by CDFA to assist with coordination and facilitating.
- CDFA may combine similar submissions together to form comprehensive sessions. Submissions should expect to be part of a group presentation.
- CDFA highly encourages private and public sector partners to collaborate on submissions. Collaborative sessions will be given greater consideration.
Submission Requirements
Please pay close attention to the following submission requirements. Submissions that fail to provide the necessary information will not be accepted. Those interested in submitting should provide the following information:
- A short two-three paragraph overview of the deal, project or program. Provide as much detail on the type of tool(s) used in the financing and explain how this deal, project or program leverages private sector capital using a public-sector financing approach.
- Complete contact information for the session organizer and the names and complete contact information of those willing to speak. It will be the responsibility of those submitting to secure speaker commitments. Do not send suggested speakers. Speakers should be confirmed prior to submission. CDFA recommends no more than three panelists per submission. Single speaker submissions are welcomed as well.
- All submissions should be completed via the submission form by May 12, 2017.
By early July, CDFA will make selections and notify presenters. If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact Pete Mathews at 614-705-1300 or
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