City of Shreveport Department of Environmental Services


Site / Project Name

Cross Bayou Corridor / D’Anna Brothers Produce Company

Brownfield Site Address

90 Market Street, Shreveport, LA 71101

Site Owner

D’Anna Realty Company, Inc.

Clear Title


Owner Contaminator

Not Sure

Former Use

produce company offices and warehouse; ice house; furniture factory; machine shop and storage; beer bottling plant; coal storage; lime storage; railroad roundhouse, repair shops and freight depot; suspected underground storage tanks.

Land Use

The specific site is currently vacant. It is near an existing “scrapyard” (the AWP catalyst site), but also near several properties listed on the National Historic Register, including a water works museum and a unique Waddell Truss Bridge. It is also adjacent to the Shreveport Convention Center Complex which recently received the Region 6 Phoenix Award.


The property has frontage on the urban portion of a significant state highway and includes access to all public utilities and local government services. It is immediately adjacent to a rail spur whose future use is expected to be very limited.

Assessment Level


The AWP included a “windshield survey” of historic uses and likely environmental contaminants. It is not believed that much, if any of the anticipated contamination occurred under the current ownership.


Hazardous and Petroleum Substances

Cleanup Program




We can find no record of previous remediation activity on the site.



Future Use

Mixed Use

Financing Tools: Federal Programs

EPA area-wide assessment grant and brownfields revolving loan funds; historic and new market tax credits

Financing Tools: State Programs

Louisiana Targeted Brownfields Assessment Services (LA DEQ)

Financing Tools: Funds Committed

EPA area-wide assessment grant funds are committed pending owners permission


Financing; Attracting Developer; Assessment and Cleanup of property

Failure of current listing price to account for likely contamination

Technical Assistance

Not sure

Assistance in establishing effective guidelines for successful public-private partnerships

Disclaimer: This publication was developed under Assistance Agreement No. TR-83576801-0 awarded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. It has not been formally reviewed by EPA. The views expressed in this document are solely those of Council of Development Finance Agencies and EPA does not endorse any products or commercial services mentioned in this publication.