Site / Project Name | 
Fairborn Theatre |

Brownfield Site Address | 
34 S. Broad Street |

Site Owner | 
Currently the Fairborn Performing Arts and Cultural Assoc.
Will be transferred to the Fairborn Development Corporation at end of 2015. |

Clear Title | 
Yes |

Owner Contaminator | 
Not Sure |

Former Use | 
2 screen movie theatre |

Land Use | 
Building has been vacant for about 10 years and falling farther and farther into disrepair. When the City and township merged into one City in early 1950's, the agreement was signed in the lobby of this building. It does have some historical significance but is not on a register at this time. |

Infrastructure | 
Interstate I-675 is approximately 5 miles north of this site and rail runs through the south side of the City but is not in close proximety. |

Assessment Level | 
None |

Contaminants | 
Many years ago the agency received funding to remove identified asbestos in the building. At this time, that is the only known contaminant. |

Cleanup Program | 
No |

Remediation | 
Asbestos |

Developer | 
No |

Future Use | 
Don't know |

Financing Tools: Federal Programs | 

Financing Tools: State Programs | 

Financing Tools: Funds Committed | 
No |

Challenges | 
Attracting Developer; Assessment and Cleanup of property |

Technical Assistance | 
New Markets Tax Credits; Bonds; EB-5; Not sure |