Port of Greater Cincinnati Development


Site / Project Name

The former Hudepohl Brewery

Brownfield Site Address

801 W. Sixth St., Cincinnati, OH, 45203

Site Owner

Port of Greater Cincinnati Development Authority

Clear Title


Owner Contaminator


Former Use


Land Use

The property previously consisted of 9 buildings of which 4 are still partially standing today. There are 30' cellars located on the property, as well as a smokestack. The brewery closed in 1987 and since then, the property has fallen into significant neglect and disuses: partially looted and unsecured, open to trespassers, and a great nuisance to the adjacent operational businesses. The site is not only of great community concern to business and their employees, but also to the non-profit organization which has broken ground on a new homeless shelter, located only 270 feet from the project site. Located on another side of the site is a vacant jail.


The site is 370 feet away from highway access and 445 feet away from the nearest railroad ties.

Assessment Level

Phase 2


ACMs, PCBs, TCE, and universal waste

Cleanup Program




The Port Authority is completing Continuing Obligations, according to a report developed by PANDEY Environmental. Actions included rounds of air monitoring and groundwater testing, as well as contracting with Central Insulation Systems, Inc. (CIS) to remove, clean, and encapsulate loose and friable ACMs located on the site.



Future Use


Proposed larger assembly

Financing Tools: Federal Programs

US EPA Cleanup Grant

Financing Tools: State Programs

Revitalization Program, Loan programs

Financing Tools: Funds Committed



Financing; Attracting Developer; Assessment and Cleanup of property

Technical Assistance

Not sure
Disclaimer: This publication was developed under Assistance Agreement No. TR-83576801-0 awarded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. It has not been formally reviewed by EPA. The views expressed in this document are solely those of Council of Development Finance Agencies and EPA does not endorse any products or commercial services mentioned in this publication.