Business Development Corporation of the Northern Panhandle


Site / Project Name

TS&T Pottery

Brownfield Site Address

Corner of 8th & Plutus Street, Chester, West Virginia

Site Owner

Business Development Corporation of the Northern Panhandle

Clear Title


Owner Contaminator


Former Use

The site was the home of a pottery manufacturer, Taylor Smith & Taylor Pottery, from 1900 to 1982. After that, the site sat vacant for more than two decades, before being purchased by the BDC in 2011.

Land Use

The 8.65 acre site is currently vacant, with no existing structures remaining on the site. The community in which it sits is the northernmost city in West Virginia, directly across the Ohio River from Ohio. The site is located in the heart of the Marcellus Shale boom, and home to the World's Largest Teapot, a tourist attraction for the town.


TS&T is located ½ mile from two major highways, US Route 30 and US Route 2. It is approximately 23 miles from Pittsburgh International Airport and adjacent to the Ohio River and the Norfolk Southern Railroad line. Gas, Electric, Water, and Sewer are all available through existing infrastructure at the site.

Assessment Level

Phase 2


The site has been subdivided into two parcels: the flat Upland parcel, which is just under 8 acres of flat land; and the Riverbank, which is approximately 0.75 acres of steep riverbank. The Upland parcel was contaminated with asbestos from improper, partial demolition of structures on-site and lead from the pottery manufacturing process.

The Riverbank parcel was found to have a significant level of lead contamination such that it requires a separate cleanup effort. This contamination is a result of practices at the pottery factory wherein broken or imperfect pieces of material were discarded over the riverbank, leading to lead contamination in the soil. The steep nature of this parcel further complicates cleanup efforts.

Cleanup Program


The TS&T Site is enrolled in the WV Department of Environmental Protection's Voluntary Remediation Program, which "seeks to identify and address potential contamination at a given site. It also sets applicable remediation standards and confirms that the site maintains these standards." (WVDEP website) The BDC anticipates receipt of a Certificate of Completion at the site without issue.



The contamination on the Upland parcel was completed using US EPA Cleanup Grant funds in FY12. All cleanup activities under that grant are complete. The BDC received a second US EPA Cleanup Grant in the FY16 round of funding for cleanup of the Riverbank and is currently planning for implementation of the grant activities.



The BDC will serve as developer for the site.

Future Use

Mixed Use

The BDC is planning uses that will complement the residential uses to the north and commercial uses in the central business district to the south. The BDC is planning a mixed used development; with ample open space and public connections through the site and between residential, commercial, and public uses that surround the site. The BDC will implement sustainable building and redevelopment practices when financially feasible. Site re-use visioning will promote integration of the site into the history and character of Chester to enhance the sustainability of any redevelopment. Potential site re-uses include commercial, residential, mixed-use, light industrial, public facility, government, educational, and green space. The focus of any re-use option is on new job creation and local job enhancement. Re-use plans include developing the riverfront through the creation of a raised riverfront boardwalk to be incorporated into the eventual end use. Additionally, access roads and sidewalks will connect the site to Chester's historic downtown main street.

Financing Tools: Federal Programs


Financing Tools: State Programs

WV Economic Development Authority, WV Infrastrucutre and Jobs Development Council have expressed interest

Financing Tools: Funds Committed

Funding for cleanup activities was provided by a number of organizations, including the USEPA, state agencies, the Hancock County Commission, and the Northern WV Brownfields Assistance Center


Financing; Attracting Developer

Technical Assistance

New Markets Tax Credits; EB-5
Disclaimer: This publication was developed under Assistance Agreement No. TR-83576801-0 awarded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. It has not been formally reviewed by EPA. The views expressed in this document are solely those of Council of Development Finance Agencies and EPA does not endorse any products or commercial services mentioned in this publication.