City of Fresno


Site / Project Name

Elm Avenue Area-Wide Brownfields Plan and Implementation Strategy

Brownfield Site Address

Southwest corner of Reverend Chester Riggins Ave and Elm Ave

Site Owner


Clear Title


Owner Contaminator


Former Use

Gas Station, Service Station, Meat Packing warehouse

Land Use

There are 5 parcels of land, and 4 are vacant. The last parcel is a shell of the old meat packing warehouse and is used as storage for a community food bank. The parcels along Elm Ave are zoned Mixed use and the other parcels are zoned residential. The area surrounding the site is residential and what use to be a main corridor in the community, but is now most vacant lots or buildings. The Elm Ave corridor at one time was a gateway into Fresno and was cut off when a freeway bisected it.


The property is close to two primary freeways access points (within 2 miles), and very close to downtown Fresno. Southwest Fresno was cut off due to the building of the freeway network surrounding Downtown Fresno, and like many cities saw a steep decline once it was built.

Assessment Level

Phase 1


Underground Storage Tanks, oil.

Cleanup Program






Saint Rest Church

Future Use

Don't know

There are some plans for a park, and open air amphitheater, and possibly senior housing

Financing Tools: Federal Programs

Unaware of any current funds

Financing Tools: State Programs

Unaware of any current funds

Financing Tools: Funds Committed

The church has ear marked funds


Financing; Assessment and Cleanup of property

Technical Assistance

Not sure
Disclaimer: This publication was developed under Assistance Agreement No. TR-83576801-0 awarded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. It has not been formally reviewed by EPA. The views expressed in this document are solely those of Council of Development Finance Agencies and EPA does not endorse any products or commercial services mentioned in this publication.