Site / Project Name | 
South Gifford Road Landfill |

Brownfield Site Address | 
4701 41st Street, Vero Beach, Florida |

Site Owner | 
Indian River County |

Clear Title | 
Yes |

Owner Contaminator | 
Yes |

Former Use | 
County landfill |

Land Use | 
Mostly vacant with one portion used as a County maintenance storage yard and one area used as a Customer Convenience Center |

Infrastructure | 
Local road access runs directly parallel with the northern boundary of the site. |

Assessment Level | 
Phase 3/4 |

Contaminants | 
Volatile organic compounds detected in groundwater and arsenic and benzo(a)pyrene impacts were present in soil. |

Cleanup Program | 
No |

Remediation | 
Excavation was conducted to remove source soil impacts and an interim pump and treat system plus subsequent enhanced bioremediation injection was implemented to treat impacted groundwater. Natural attenuation monitoring is ongoing for groundwater at the site. |

Developer | 
No |

Future Use | 
Don't know
Potential options discussed were recreational fields and/or an outdoor farmers market. |

Financing Tools: Federal Programs | 
Currently slated to have assessment work performed under an EPA Brownfields Assessment Grant through the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council |

Financing Tools: State Programs | 
Possible funding from Indian River County |

Financing Tools: Funds Committed | 
EPA BF Assessment Grant funds noted above |

Challenges | 
Financing; Attracting Developer; Public support
Public concensus on redevelopment scenario |

Technical Assistance | 
Not sure |