Site / Project Name | 
Former Fraser Paper Mill |

Brownfield Site Address | 
51 S. Elm Street |

Site Owner | 
The City of West Carrollton
The City acquired the site through negotiated purchase from Team Industrial LLC as recorded on June 17, 2011 in Deed #2011-00036148, which is on file in the Montgomery County Recorder's office. |

Clear Title | 
Yes |

Owner Contaminator | 
No |

Former Use | 
Paper mill from 1859-2001 under various names/ownership
Equipment and steel salvage by Team Industrial from 2004-2011
Demolition/cleanup of site under City ownership since 2011
Since the City acquired ownership of the Site, it has remained vacant except for three temporary uses:
Mulchman Greenline used approximately 1/3-acre for selling retail mulch from March 6, 2012 to June 15, 2012.
Carter Logistics used a 2.317-acre parking area adjacent to Elm Street to park tractor-trailers not in use from November 2009 to May 2012.
As part of excavation activity to construct a new clearwell at the City's water facility, in August of 2012 the City's contractor Peterson Construction Company began using the same 2.317-acre area described above to store fill material obtained from the excavation. |

Land Use | 
The site is currently vacant and is not in active use. Demolition and clean-up has been partially completed. The original Friend Paper Co. office building remains on the property. It is currently abandoned and in a state of disrepair, but is of interest architecturally. A large warehouse currently being used for storage of City equipment and salt also remains on site.
Owl Creek runs through the western end of the property.
The Miami-Erie Canal formerly ran across the northern end of this property, including a lock system. Historical markers of the canal and lock system remain on the property, as well as a CDBG-funded streetscaping project which pays homage to this history.
The Ahlstrom paper mill, which was recently abandoned, sits immediately adjacent and east of the Fraser site.
The property is bordered by Central Ave. (old US 25) on the north, and the rail line on the south.
Immediately north of the Fraser site is the city's original "Olde Downtown" neighborhood (Census Tract 503.01) which represents one-quarter of the city's population who have been particularly hard hit economically. When compared to city, county, state, and national rates, this neighborhood has rates up to 40 percent higher for unemployment, up to 34 percent higher for poverty, and up to 5.3 times the level of linguistic isolation. These residents also earn up to 38 percent less in household income, and up to 11 percent fewer have earned high school degrees or higher, while up to 2.8 times less have earned a bachelor's degree or higher. The City and its community development partners have invested significant resources in revitalizing this CDBG Target Area neighborhood. The neighborhood also includes the struggling Carrollton Center historic commercial area at the corner of Central Ave. and Elm St.
To the east of the property is the West Carrollton Senior Center, the West Carrollton branch library, the Civic Center complex, and Weidner Park.
South of the rail line is a self-storage facility, residential neighborhood, and 40 acres of steep wooded hillside which is also part of the former Fraser property now owned by the City.
The Fraser site serves as the western anchor of the city's "downtown corridor", with the eastern anchor being the I-75 Exit 47 interchange and Great Miami Riverfront. This corridor is the focal point of the city's economic development efforts. |

Infrastructure | 
Rail line along the southern boundary
I-75 Exit 47 interchange approx. 2 miles to the east |

Assessment Level | 
Phase 2
Phase 1 conducted in 2003 and updated in 2010. Phase 2 conducted in 2003 with addendum in 2011. |

Contaminants | 
Arsenic, dibenzofuran, bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, and dioxin
Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), specifically diesel range organics (DRO) in the C20 to C34 carbon range
PCBs, dioxin, and several polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) |

Cleanup Program | 
No |

Remediation | 
During demolition/cleanup activities by the City since 2011 Fraser Papers ceased operations at the Site in 2001, and in the process removed the majority of chemical substances from the site. |

Developer | 
No |

Future Use | 
Mixed Use |

Financing Tools: Federal Programs | 

Financing Tools: State Programs | 
Clean Ohio Fund; Montgomery County Land Bank; Fraser TIF |

Financing Tools: Funds Committed | 
The City has already invested significant local funds into acquisition, maintenance, and cleanup, and would be willing to commit additional resources if additional grant funds are identified |

Challenges | 
Financing; Attracting Developer |

Technical Assistance | 
Not sure |