Site / Project Name | 
Bend Demolition Landfill (72-acres) |

Brownfield Site Address | 
1435 SW Simpson Avenue, Bend, Oregon |

Site Owner | 
Oregon State University - Cascades Campus - has a negotiated purchase and sale agreement with Deschutes County (current owner of property). |

Clear Title | 
No |

Owner Contaminator | 
No |

Former Use | 
Pumice mine later filled as a landfill (construction demolition materials) |

Land Use | 
Partially closed landfill. OSU-Cascades purchased 10-acre parcel adjacent to landfill and started construction of its Bend Campus with first building opened this month (September). OSU-Cascades also purchased an additional 46-acre also adjacent to the Landfill property. OSU-C has an option to purchase the Landfill and is in the process of environmental due diligence and engineering planning.
The overarching vision for the OSU-C campus expansion is to create an urban-integrated campus that provides academic, economical, and cultural benefits to the surrounding community. The new campus is envisioned to bring with it an opportunity to create and support sustainability – economically, socially, and ecologically – such that it serves as a catalyst for positive change in Central Oregon. Development of the Landfill property would help the University achieve these goals while also remediating a large brownfields site – essentially identified as the “donut hole” in the middle of Bend’s westside built environment. The Landfill is currently designated in the City’s General Plan as Public Facilities (PF). The PF Zone is intended to provide area for buildings and facilities that are owned and operated by federal, state or local governments, public utilities, special districts or non-profit organizations, and which are occupied to provide governmental or public services. The permitted uses in this zone include public colleges or universities.
The City, County and OSU-C partnered on a transportation and land use project (Central Westside Plan) that evaluated redevelopment of the Landfill and which identified the Landfill property as well as the area around it as “mixed use” within an opportunity zone. Both the Planning Committee and the City Council accepted the proposed mapping and designations as outlined – the Central Westside Plan is expected to be implemented through changes to the City’s General Plan, zoning, and land use code over the coming years. |

Infrastructure | 
City infrastructure - water, sewer, stormwater, roads are all in close proximity. |

Assessment Level | 
Phase 3/4
Site has had extensive assessment work completed - OSU-C has contracted with a multi-disciplinary engineering team for due diligence, site analyses, and innovative remediation and conceptual design of the landfill property. The engineering/site investigation activities will include development of technical strategies that: (1) identify areas within the Landfill that are appropriate for specific types of remediation and development of buildings, parking areas, and other uses based on foundation and structural needs; and (2) identify areas within the Landfill according to risk and level of development costs. The engineering due diligence and conceptual design technical strategies will consider: (1) recompaction of existing waste material to provide a stable subsurface for construction of future structures; (2) pre-loading of waste material prior to removal; (3) full or partial removal and off-site disposal of waste material and import of new structural fill material for construction of future structures; (4) capping and closure of the Landfill for future installation of deep foundations for future structures; (5) geotechnical and structural engineering solutions for foundation designs, stabilization techniques, etc., to accommodate load-bearing structures in areas with long-term settlement; (6) retaining wall and/or soil nailing strategies for slope stability; (7) redistribution on site of landfill material; (8) development of consolidation cell(s); (9) beneficial uses of Landfill material (biofuel, recycling, composting); and (10) any capping, ventilation, security, and monitoring needs for specific areas within the Landfill property.
The Landfill property located at 1435 SW Simpson Avenue, Bend, Oregon – owned by the County – is made up of four taxlots most of which – with the exception of the eastern 23-acre portion of Taxlot 100 – were closed by 1997. Closure of the eastern 23-acre portion of Taxlot 100 remains unfinished due to waste pyrolysis (decomposition of organic matter by heating without oxygen), which has created an unstable landfill cover with sinkholes and unsafe working conditions. Should OSU-C acquire the Landfill property then, along with its current adjacent properties, the OSU-C Campus would encompass approximately 128 acres in the City of Bend’s Westside neighborhood and within Bend’s Urban Growth Boundary.

Contaminants | 
Construction materials. |

Cleanup Program | 
Solid Waste |

Remediation | 
Not Sure |

Developer | 
No |

Future Use | 
Mixed Use
University Campus |

Financing Tools: Federal Programs | 

Financing Tools: State Programs | 

Financing Tools: Funds Committed | 
Oregon Brownfields Redevelopment Fund - $85,000 for planning and assessment; University funding of $165,000. |

Challenges | 
Financing; Attracting Developer |

Technical Assistance | 
Not sure
In process of researching the scope of funding resources which could be available for this type of project given that there is going to be a mixture of education, housing (both on campus and off campus), commercial/retail associated with the full build out of the campus. |